Haifa, Israel - With a spectacular beauty contest the "warm home"- a home for survivors of the Holocaust in Haifa draw attention to themselves, again. The occasion will take place on the 22 of August 2013, inthe Hall "Oranim" for the second timetheelection of "Miss Holocaust". The firstcompetitionhad provided global attention.
This year,guestsfrom abroadare expectedfor the first time. The age ofthe participantsranges frommid70 toabout90.The organizerof this unusualevent is theorganization "Yad EzerLe'haver" (Helping Hands). The director of thenursing homefor Holocaustsurvivorsin Haifa,ShimonSabag, emphasized tomembers of the press: "We are makingthisextraordinaryactionontheplight of manyHolocaust survivorsIsrael. Many people criticize ourtightrope walkon the catwalk. Weact in the interestsof the survivors, of which60 000livein povertyand loneliness, "said Shimon Sabag.
With professional careby HeliBenDavid, the participantspreparefor their performanceon 22August.
The80-year oldHolocaustsurvivorChavaHerschkovitzdefended thecompetition:"We have a right, asother womento show ourfeminine side. Just becausewe werein the Holocaust, we must nothide.In addition,we must never forget our past in our future society.Why notdraw attentionwith an unusualactiononthe Shoahsurvivors.
The "MissHolocaust" competition is accompanied bynationaland international media.
(Source : "Yad Ezer Le'haver" (Helping Hands
The80-year oldHolocaustsurvivorChavaHerschkovitzdefended thecompetition:"We have a right, asother womento show ourfeminine side. Just becausewe werein the Holocaust, we must nothide.In addition,we must never forget our past in our future society.Why notdraw attentionwith an unusualactiononthe Shoahsurvivors.
The "MissHolocaust" competition is accompanied bynationaland international media.
(Source : "Yad Ezer Le'haver" (Helping Hands